Revitalization The is actively providing resources for Lutheran church revitalization in partnership with local LCMS districts. The is working with the Synod to make these resources available to our congregations as they become available. The first step is to talk with us. The second step is apply great resources.
What is Revitalization? Church revitalization is not life to a dead church, but amplifying the life of a living church. Where the Word is proclaimed in purity and truth and the Sacraments rightly administered, there is vitality. The question is, 'How do we increase that vitality among ourselves and share it with others?' Revitalization is not a work that we do using human methods, but a work that God does with Word, Sacraments and First Article Gifts to improve our 'watering and planting' (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).
It is not a 'new way of being church,' but being the church we are in new ways. Being who we are as Lutherans in doctrine and practice as we engage the culture in creative ways. The New England District conducted a study in 2015 asking our 70 churches how the district office can help their churches in the area of Lutheran church revitalization. By Thanksgiving 2015 every church in the New England District had the opportunity to go through some form of the Revitalization Self-Assessment Workshops either on-site at their ministry location, group facilitated sessions with multiple churches and church lay leaders, or through pastoral representation at one of the seven Circuit gatherings. This effort was to provide the NED greater visibility into what are the priorities at our churches across the six New England states. Nearly half of all churches that participated in the study said 'discipleship' was the top priority (49%). This discipleship included believers and non-believers in the neighborhoods and communities surrounding the local church. Almost one third (31%) of all churches mentioned 'community outreach' as the second top priority.
One quarter of the churches mentioned 'stewardship' as a priority for their revitalization efforts. One in five churches (20%) listed 'Getting people in the Word beyond Sunday' was a top priority. One in five churches (20%) said 'leadership development' was needed for their church revitalization. One in seven churches (15%) added 'fellowship' on the list for revitalization. 2017 Congregational Presidents Study In the spring of 2017 we asked our congregational presidents to complete a survey asking how the district office can help the churches across the New England District. Eighteen-percent of our congregations completed the survey.
The most common top challenges mentioned by congregational presidents were:. Church finances. Community outreach. Reaching younger people / aging congregation. Stewardship of time for serving people / volunteer Over the next year we will continue to roll out resources to help our churches. These resources include books, webinars, Saturday morning workshops, one-day conferences and learning communities for you and your church.
Below is a partial list of resources available for you today. Please for additional assistance. LCMS is a FREE 8-session Bible study taking a holistic view of stewardship (i.e. It's more than simply time, talent and treasure). It starts with the Creator, not the steward, to show that stewardship is a journey that begins with identity. From creation, human beings were tasked with the stewardship of all that the Lord God made.
But this stewardship was not left to the will and whim of man. Instead, being created in the image of God, the steward is to reflect the owner's will in every aspect of his or her stewardship. The Generosity Gap is a tool to help your church. The religious and economic landscapes are changing in America in ways that don't necessarily favor churches. The percentage of churchgoing Christians is shrinking. Patterns of work are shifting. And on top of those hard facts, not everyone seems to agree on what, exactly, it means to be generous.
The Generosity Gap unveils new research among U.S. Christians and pastors on their attitudes, perceptions and habits related to generosity.
Commissioned by Thrivent Financial, The Generosity Gap explores. Takes biblical principles, best giving practices, and your ministry's DNA and collaborate with you to weave them together into a strategy that will help you fund your God-inspired vision. Generis specializes in stewardship consulting and capital campaigns. They have helped over 3,100 faith-based ministries to raise over $6.1 billion for Kingdom expansion since 1989. To watch two webinars provided by Generis to the New England District. It is a free 30 page guide for pastors and church leaders. To learn more please contact Larry Ulrich, Generosity Strategist,.
Sharing Your Faith Stories is a recently released a 4-session online learning opportunity for community outreach. It is freely available through Lutheran Hour Ministries. This free online course explores Faith Stories as personal narrations of a life event in which God demonstrated His faithfulness. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to share your personal faith stories.
At the end of this course, you will share a personal faith story with three people in a conversational manner. Visit Lutheran Hour Ministries website as they continue to create great new courses to help the local church proclaim the good news of Christ. Is continuing the Discipleship to Missional Community learning community in Topsfield, MA with immersions (3 day retreats) at Our Savior Lutheran Church. This is an opportunity for your church to receive weekly coaching to transform your church's culture where disciples make disciples who make disciples. This great learning community is designed to address the most common challenge for New England district churches' top priorities (i.e.
Discipleship, community outreach, leadership development). For more information about PLI please call Sarah at 630-795-9747. You can. Provides opportunities for young adults (18-26) to grow in a community of faith and service through long-term, full-time service in urban ministry settings. Participants are trained to live and serve in communities across the United States. Young adults can serve for 10 weeks in the summer or 10 months as a gap year in cities across the United States including Boston, New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Saint Louis. During service, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod provides a supportive, life-changing program for young people to gain valuable experience while deepening their faith and sharing Jesus through acts of mercy. Ministry is a thriving part of the LCMS. At the National Youth Gathering among adults aged 21-25 years old. In the poll, 91 percent reported attending worship at least a few times a month and more than half reported attending Bible study at least once a month. 'It is positive to see the regularity with which these LCMS young people are in worship,' Rev.
Mark Kiessling observed. 'Congregations can build connections with these young adults who are starting new careers and phases of life by providing opportunities to serve inside the Church and as a witness in the community. This engagement in Christian community opens doors for older adults to be mentors in matters of faith, vocation and career, and brings new ideas and leadership in the current and future life of local churches.' The is making available many resources to help your congregation. Ticketbench plus 6 17 keygen download. Call 1-800-THE-LCMS. The ONM is developing several resources to help your congregation in church revitalization.
The resource is called Connect to Disciple. This workshop is oriented toward congregational leaders providing instruction and resources for developing an outreach strategy for the congregation. This workshop will ask you to identify all of the things your congregation is doing to create connections, build relationships and make disciples.
You'll quickly discover everything that your church is doing is not building relationships that lead to making discipleships. At the end of this workshop you'll develop a plan for moving forward as a congregation. The New England District LCMS is working with Synod and other church professionals to provide excellent resources for our churches in the area of church revitalization. Our goal is to provide the best resources to you from a variety of great organizations focused on revitalizing churches.
These efforts include our annual. The conference provides an opportunity for church workers and lay people to network with each other and receive help from experts in certain ministry areas such as stewardship, community outreach, discipleship, youth ministry, church planting and many other areas. Millions of new believers in Jesus.
Thousands of new churches. Communities rallying around the Gospel. Innovative efforts to send workers into the harvest fields. A Gospel movement sweeping a nation. This isn't merely a description of what God is doing in the global south today. It is a picture of God's work in the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries.
The church was flourishing. Faith was being shared. New congregations were being started. People were receiving the hope of eternal life. Can it happen again? Is it possible for the Christian church in the United States to become vibrant and relevant once more? The answer may surprise you.
Looking at a uniquely American Gospel movement as a case study, Gospel DNA traces five markers that lead to a flourishing church. Hope is closer than you may think. It's time to reconnect with Gospel DNA.
Is a new release by CPH. Ted Kober, well-known author and LCMS church reconciler, offers church leaders and members and effective prescription for building and sustaining healthy congregations. After first defining what 'healthy' means, Kober explores fundamental concepts that help churches identify the root cause of their condition and regain church health. Rather than basing his concepts on the alluring wisdom of psychological theories or business management theory, Kober prescribes a return to the foundation of the Christian life: looking to Jesus, dwelling in God's Word, and living as reconciled children of God in mutual confession and forgiveness.