Contents. Story The story revolves around the life of a business tycoon, Purushottam Nanavati, who is head of his joint family of four married sons. It focuses on the trials & tribulations that a joint family faces, whether it is due to the family members' separation or their union. In addition, it shows how the family members find ways to cope with these differences. Cast. as Purushottam Nanavati. as Dadi.
as Anusuya Purushottam Nanavati. as Sanat Purushottam Nanvati. / as Panna Sanat Nanvati. as Shekhar Purushottam Nanavati. / as Rashmi Shekhar Nanvati.
as Sameer Purushottam Nanavati. as Paro Sameer Nanavati. as Abhay Purushottam Nanavati.
as Sonal Abhay Nanavati. as Meenu.
/ as Neelu Purushottam Nanavati. as Rashmi's Mother.
as Raju. as Meenu's Father-In-Law.
as Meenu's Mother-In-Law. as Faiba.
as Bharti. as Vasanti Ben. as Ganga. as Riddhi. as Siddhi References.