Yale Young Global Scholars Program Essay

01.02.2020by admin

As the application deadline nears, the YYGS Team would like to offer five helpful tips on completing your required essays and written responses: 01. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE WORD COUNT As a general practice, you should aim for the maximum word limit. MORE words doesn’t make for a better essay, but too few words can send the message that you didn’t put much effort into the essays. Don’t send that signal! DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS Avoid vague statements such as “Because I love my country” or “Because I want to help people” or “Since a young child I have always wanted to”.

Instead, your essay should provide details to help the reader visualize your specific circumstances, or to understand your unique way of seeing things. ADDRESS ANY WEAKNESSES If needed, address any gaps or weaknesses in your application or academic performance.

Turn them into a positive if you can. For example, if you’ve faced a long-term challenge such as gaps in school due to lack of fees, or moving around a lot and changing schools frequently, you should explain these circumstances and what you learned from the experience in your essays. USE YOUR OWN VOICE The YYGS Team wants to know who YOU are, so use your own voice! It is important to make good use of grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation - and in doing so to demonstrate your knowledge of the English language - but try not fill your essay with complicated, lengthy words that you would never use in conversation.

SHARE YOUR PERSONALITY Avoid too much overlap with other sections of your application package. Do not treat every question or essay as an independent task, rather think about what is being portrayed by your whole application. The YYGS Team wants to learn all about you, so consider highlighting different aspects of your personality in different parts of the application.

We hope these tips help, and best of luck with your essay writing!

I was a junior when I applied. The program seems to place a lot of weigh on your essays and recommendation letters. Put a lot of time into your essays and pick teachers who really like you. Give your teachers your resume and drafts of application essays so they can write good letters for you. It is also important to have good grades and show your commitment to an activity(s). At the program, everyone seemed to have something that was really unique about them.

So make sure to show the AO what you are passionate about. Hey guys, i went to ple this past summer so hmu if you have any questions. Btw yeah you shouldn't really go for the sake of learning because it's ridiculously expensive and isn't very rigorous-go bc you'll meet a lot of really interesting people from all over the world. It does slightly increase your chances of getting into yale bc i'm told they keep a short summary of you that they can refer to if they want to do so during admissions, but that isn't significant to go for the sole reason of getting into yale.

I was a BBS last year too. Contrary to the other alumni responses, I highly recommend this program (strictly based off my experiences). Although the rigor isn't what they actually make it out to be, I still did learn a ton, and I agree I met tons of absolutely amazing feeling. It is expensive but I wouldn't have traded those two weeks for anything last summer. PM any questions if you have any. And only one of my essays actually mentioned anything related to science, and it was about public health haha.

Your essays dont necessarily have to be all sciencey, but if science can be used to showcase you then that works as well. I'm from Brazil, 16 years old and just ended my 11th high school year (school here ends on November). I'll probably be applying. I applied to YYGS Beijing 2017 and received the results today. Didn't make it. So, I don't know for sure If I should apply to YYGS New Haven 2017 or not because I didn't get accepted in YYGS Beijing. Still, I'm very happy I applied to this last one.

Yale Young Global Scholars Program Essay Examples

I was very afraid at the beggining because here in Brazil we use a totally different system to enter college: basically there's this national standardized test that you have to do and depending on your grade you choose which course you want to do and which university you want to go. Although, I ended up learning a lot from the whole application process. You know, I prefer knowing that I did my best and failed to never knowing if I would be succesful on my objective or not.

Don't give up! It's alright that you didn't get into YYGS Beijing. My understanding is that program is targeted for American and/or Asia Pacific students anyways. Even if it's not, don't give up! The acceptance rate for YYGS New Haven is a little over 30% and about 1500 students get in whereas only about 80 students ( I may be wrong on this number so don't quote me) get into YYGS-Beijing. You should definitely apply! The worse thing that happens is that they say no, but there's a great chance you'll get in!

That's the spirit man! I think it's always better to try and give your best rather than not do it. I didn't know that the YYGS New Haven had a higher acceptance rate and that much vancancies. In fact, I thought exactly the opposite. Well, now I got my whole summer vacations to try again and do my best.

Yale Young Global Scholars Program Essay Sample

I actually saved all the stuff I put in my Beijing application in a Google Docs document, so that should make things a little easier. Thanks for the support!:) P.S.: 80 is the exact number of students that get into YYGS-Beijing. I attended PLE last summer, my best advice that I noticed is that YYGS prioritizes geographical diversity or diversity in experiences and stories.

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They love international kids. They want a global community, so really stress how you differ from people in your area if you live in a populated city such as ca, ny, boston or if you live in an underrepresented area or international: stress that experience. I wouldn't say that they prioritize grades and test scores that much over what you have accomplished, what you write, where your from, diversity. This is definitely not a program that accepts simply on the basis of grades/scores.