Arduino New Software Serial Download Free

02.01.2020by admin
  1. Arduino Software Serial Tutorial
  2. Arduino Software Serial Example
Arduino free download softwareHow

So let’s say your using an Arduino in your project. You already have the hardware-based serial interface working with one portion of the project and need a second serial port for unrelated hardware. The obvious solution is to write one in software.

But this is a place where working in the Arduino environment gets really hairy. Since there’s a layer of abstraction between the code and the hardware interrupts, it can be difficult to know if you are going to have timing problems. But there’s a so that you don’t have to worry about it. It’s named AltSoftSerial because it is a software-based serial library that is an alternative to the NewSoftSerial package. The former can function with just 2-3 microseconds of latency, while the latter has as much as a 174 microsecond hit.

If it functions as advertised that’s quite an improvement. It’s not hard to put together a hardware test platform, and the example program is only about a dozen lines of code (which is the beauty of working in this environment) so give it a try if you have a free hour here or there. Posted in Tagged, Post navigation. Yes, you are absolutely right, using a board with several real hardware serial ports is the obvious solution. That obvious solution is named “Arduino Mega” and generally is priced at $60. If you already have a $30 Arduino Uno and need to connect 1 more device, a software-only solution starts to look pretty good.

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Even better, on Teensy ($16), Wiring-S ($28) or Sanguino ($35), there is one extra hardware serial port, so a software solution lets you have TWO serial devices. I don’t believe there are any lower cost Arduino-compatible boards with two unused serial ports. For full disclosure – I am the author of this library, and the author of Teensyduino (the add-on software that makes Teensy compatible with Arduino). I wrote this library because people have trouble with the existing software serial libraries when they try to build projects which have simultaneous data transfer. Sure, an expensive board with lots of real serial ports is a perfect answer in a technical sense, but a more compatible software-only solution is a lot more “obvious” when it comes to hardware cost!

Arduino Software Serial Tutorial

You’re problem is not that the chips have 1 UART. The problem is that you stick with only what you know. First problem is the Arduino is obviously expensive. 30$ I can build one for 30$, including shipping costs for all components and have my PCB manufactured per piece (which is very expensive, PCB production in bulk is much cheaper) The next problem, why UART? It’s outdated, not everyone has a real UART anymore. I know, let’s use USB!

Arduino Software Serial Example

And you can with a simple AVR. It’s even cheaper in hardware then any UART solution. And you get a free power source! But you stick with what you know and pay 30$+ for an Arduino. ChipKit is impressive hardware, but the Arduino compatibility still leaves quite a lot to be desired. Sure, you get multiple serial ports.

But do ANY of them support buffered transmit? Admittedly Arduino added this only in 1.0, but it is present now on all hardware serial ports on Arduino.

Teensyduino has had it for years. Without transmit buffering, you’ll really only be able to maintain full output rate on a single port, even even that requires wasting CPU cycles waiting in blocking transmit. For another example, I recently tested my Encoder library with a ChipKit board. You can read about it near the bottom of the page in the “Low Performance Polling Mode” section. It’s a perfect example of incredible hardware that can’t do a fraction of what lesser hardware with good software can accomplish. I’m sure Diligent (and maybe community contributions?) will eventually improve the software.

But if you look the hardware alone, you’ll get a pretty unrealistic idea of what you can accomplish by using on the easy-to-use Arduino functions and Arduino libraries. IMHO ChipKit came about just so Microchip is part of the game, not that they needed to be. Of course the software support won’t be the same as Atmel. However the real benefit for me is using the ubber-small PICs – those with only 4-6 pins that fit into real small places. Sure there is no GCC support for those but at this level of development C becomes impractical. Let’s not start the Atmel vs Microchip touchy-feely favorite chain.


Overall I agree that Ardunio’s contribution to the community was really in making the software platform available and extensible so what we have today is not easy to beat. You need to clarify what is meant by latency in this context my immediate thought was that it was a turnaround time – i.e in a simple echo program how long does it take for me to see my character again. Having read the website it’s not round trip latency in a simple echo test program context, but an interrupt latency – as in how much is having this software library in my software is going to potentially delay all other interrupts in the worst case. Copying headline numbers without clear definition is never good.