Dhanji R. Prasanna Dependency Injection 2009

16.01.2020by admin

Dependency Injection is an in-depth guide to the current best practices for using the Dependency Injection pattern-the key concept in Spring and the rapidly-growing Google Guice. It explores Dependency Injection, sometimes called Inversion of Control, in fine detail with numerous practical examples. Developers will learn to apply important techniques, focusing on their strengths and limitations, with a particular emphasis on pitfalls, corner-cases, and best practices.

This book is written for developers and architects who want to understand Dependency Injection and successfully leverage popular DI technologies such as Spring, Google Guice, PicoContainer, and many others. The book explores many small examples of anchor concepts and unfolds a larger example to show the big picture. Written primarily from a Java point-of-view, this book is appropriate for any developer with a working knowledge of object-oriented programming in Java, Ruby, or C#.

I've have been a user of the Spring framework for years now and like to think I know a thing or two about DI so I was a dubious about the book, but I checked my ego at the door and purchased the book anyway. I'm glad that I did.

For one thing, being a Spring fan it was nice to see some examples of Guice, another popular DI framework. The author helped clarify the nuances of scoping and provided some interesting ideas on how to apply custom scopes. The book also reminds us how important it is to I've have been a user of the Spring framework for years now and like to think I know a thing or two about DI so I was a dubious about the book, but I checked my ego at the door and purchased the book anyway. I'm glad that I did. For one thing, being a Spring fan it was nice to see some examples of Guice, another popular DI framework. The author helped clarify the nuances of scoping and provided some interesting ideas on how to apply custom scopes.

The book also reminds us how important it is to remember about thread safety when creating DI managed services. If you are new to the DI world then you should pick up this book. If you are a DI veteran, then some of the material will be familiar to you but I am confident that there are some nuggets in there worth the purchase price. If I could give it a 3 1/2 stars I would. Good read on dependency injection in Java, mostly Guice and Spring (with a clear emphasis on Guice). The topics covered are very broad and circle around DI, patterns and best practices. There are complete code examples for everything, using commonly used Java frameworks.

Even contains the 'boilerplate' - I woudn't describe this book as 'dense'. For some chapters I felt that they added little value on top of the high-level summary at the end of each chapter, but that might be because I am already Good read on dependency injection in Java, mostly Guice and Spring (with a clear emphasis on Guice). The topics covered are very broad and circle around DI, patterns and best practices. There are complete code examples for everything, using commonly used Java frameworks. Even contains the 'boilerplate' - I woudn't describe this book as 'dense'. For some chapters I felt that they added little value on top of the high-level summary at the end of each chapter, but that might be because I am already quite familiar with the topic.

Blogs, articles, books on Guice. External Documentation Books In a traditional object-oriented application, a primary program controls secondary pieces of code, such as classes in a module, library, or framework. Dependency Injection (DI) is a technique that inverts this control, using an external mechanism to insert—or inject—a reference to an implementation of a service into an object. This allows you to build complex OO applications in a more testable, maintainable, and business-focused manner. Google Guice: Agile Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework will not only tell you “how,” it will also tell you “why” and “why not,” so that all the knowledge you gain will be as widely applicable as possible.

Filled with examples and background information, this book is an invaluable addition to your knowledge of modern agile Java. Videos An introduction to Guice by Dhanji R. Prasanna and Jesse Wilson, at Google I/O 2009.

Learn how Google uses the fast, lightweight Guice framework to power some of the largest and most complex applications in the world. Supporting scores of developers, and steep testing and scaling requirements for the web, Guice proves that there is still ample room for a simple, type-safe and dynamic programming model in Java. This session will serve as a simple introduction to Guice, its ecosystem and how we use it at Google. PDF slides from the sold-out technical session at!JavaOne 2009. Articles Guice is a dependency injection (DI) framework. I've suggested for years that developers use DI, because it improves maintainability, testability, and flexibility.

By watching engineers react to Guice, I've learned that the best way to convince a programmer to adopt a new technology is to make it really easy. Guice makes DI really easy, and as a result, the practice has taken off at Google. I hope to continue in the same vein in this article by making it really easy for you to learn Guice. This article examines the simplest and most obvious use case for the Guice container, for mocking or faking objects in unit tests. Also available in It should be apparent that making Invoice something that Guice creates directly is an incorrect design decision. Instead, you can mix it with another pattern instead: Factory. Blogs Configure your serverside app to serve up a backend for GWT apps.


Obtain the Guice JAR files, extend GWT’s RemoteServiceServlet, extend Guice’s GuiceServletContextListener, extend Guice’s ServletModule, set all RemoteService relative paths to GWT.rpc, and configure GuiceFilter and your context listener in web.xml. Guide for migrating from factories to dependency injection. In this N-part series, I'm attempting to document some patterns for improving your code with Guice.

In each example, I'll start with sample code, explain what I don't like about it, and then show how I clean it up. The premise is simple.

@Inject anything, even stuff you don't know at injector-creation time. So our DeLorean class would look exactly as it would if EnergySource was constant: What the new methods on TypeLiteral do.



A brief discussion on contextual APIs.