Fsx Radar Contact 4

14.01.2020by admin

Radar Contact is the most complete Air Traffic Control (ATC) add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Previous versions of Radar Contact (RC) were based on adventures, which provided a realistic ATC environment. With the introduction of FS2002, adventures were no longer a viable option for RC. Beginning January 2001, we rewrote RC in Visual Basic.

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Version 3 was released in November 2002. Two years ago, we released Version 3.1 which supported Fs2004, and started working on Version 4. We believe that Radar Contact Version 4 will take Air Traffic Control to the next level. By implementing current 7110.65 FAA Rules, with more in-depth implementation of real world procedures, and many of the ICAO rules, Radar Contact puts you in the left seat where you will fly under today's current ATC jurisdiction. Whether you like flying the heavies, such as the 747 or the Airbus 340, turboprops, or general aircraft, RC is ready for you. RC provides the appropriate controllers who give you the current weather, clearances, taxi instructions, takeoff clearances, ascent and descent clearances, vectors to the active runway, clearances to land, ground clearances, and traffic calls for any aircraft in your flight path. RC allows you to fly Departure Procedures, will accurately handle emergencies, give you the option to file and fly specific approaches, allow you to practice those approaches, and allow you to fly to your alternate airport when the weather is below minimums.

RC also supports an in-flight change of destination to any airport in the world. Since RC is not an adventure, Flight Simulator’s AI traffic is active, and our controllers will give you traffic calls when an AI plane comes too close. RC will also move AI before they become a conflict, slow or speed up AI planes while you are on final, freeze ground traffic so they don’t cause runway incursions.

In short, RC is as close an approximation of what real pilots experience as is currently possible. RC is a program that runs with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X.

Fire up FS, load a flight plan with RC and off you go. Who Should Use Radar Contact? RC is meant for people who take their flying seriously. If your idea of fun is crashing your plane as quickly as possible, this is not the program for you.

If you are or would like to be a rated pilot, by all means, try RC. Doug Thompson, a real air traffic controller, is one of the developers of the program. A controller based in England, has helped with the ICAO rules that were implemented in Radar Contact. A number of real world pilots, in Australia, Europe, and North America are on the beta team providing John Dekker, the programmer, with feedback on real world procedures. Be warned: RC is not a game.

You have to be prepared for a learning curve. However, real world pilots go through one as well.

It’s only after years of study that a fully qualified pilot is allowed to control a multi-million dollar aircraft with a couple hundred passengers, or even a small GA aircraft with no one else on board. RC doesn't require years of study.

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Only a few hours reading this manual and flying the tutorials will provide you with a solid base of knowledge that will give you years of flying pleasure. What's new in Version 4.

The RC Airport/Runway database is built from your scenery files. Therefore, your add-on scenery’s information will be available to RC. Save RC data (for future loading) can be done from within Flight Simulator using the semi-colon key (;). AI interactions including:. Ground traffic frozen to prevent runway incursions while you’re on final. Chatter appropriate to their actions.

Detecting AI planes that will cause a conflict in the future. When you’re on final, slow faster planes behind you, and speed up slower planes in front of you. Easy configuration of which Pilots/Copilots/Controllers voices you want to use on your flight. For non-FAA airports, you will specify the transition altitude and the transition level will be calculated based on the local pressure. Easier registration process. Debug option to create a log, which can be analyzed to see why something happened. International phraseology and procedures.

Recorded center names, 109 of our favorite airports, and hundreds of aircraft names and carriers. Centers are now divided into sectors, resulting in more enroute frequency switches. Aircraft now identified by type of aircraft in traffic calls and during ground operations. More realistic ground operations, including “Follow the”, “Give way to the”, “Monitor tower”.


Request that the initial descent clearance from cruise be a “pilot’s discretion” clearance. New crossing restriction altitudes based on runway in use. Enroute holds can be always on (for practice), always off (for quick, uneventful flights), or based on current weather conditions at the arrival airport (most realistic). New Departure Procedure (DP) options – with altitude restrictions, or no altitude restrictions.

MSA for airports in your flight plans, allows you to control the lowest altitude given by a controller. Option to have no speed restrictions below 10,000 at non FAA controlled departure airports. Each center is classified as a FAA or ICAO center, resulting in different procedures and phraseology. Cleaner, more consistent downwind/base/intercept/final vectors.

Ability to check for RC updates via the internet. New code and data can be downloaded and installed with the touch of a button. Version 4 System Requirements:. Microsoft Windows XP (English) or Microsoft Vista (English). A personal computer capable of running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or Flight Simulator X. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, Flight Simulator X.


For FS 9 - FSUIPC version 3.74 or newer available from. Fo r FS X - FSUIPC version 4.1 or newer available from.

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Fsx Radar Contact 4

Both are not very good. Ive found Default modified with Edit Voice pack to be the best.

Fsx Radar Contact 4 Free Download

Ive tried the VOX demo and found its biggest feature (voice control) to be what shoots it in the foot. Radar contact is good at first. But after awhile you start to feel as though its controllers are reading from a script and your doing the same performance every time. My last flight with it was from a Uncontrolled field up to Class D field in ATL.

Cleard as filed (becaues that all it can do) giving me usless traffic calls enroute. Oh and my favorite, vectoring me right into ATL's Approach corridor. I was staring down the buisness end of multiple airliners. Seperation was non-existant.

Not one traffic call recived then either. I have heard good things about ProATCX, but i cant get over the debacal of its release to buy it. As said there is VATSIM/IVAO. More realistic but also worse in a way. If no ATC is on you may as well use default ATC.

Controller Quality varies, pilot quality varies even more. They really don't adhere to real world operations either There is Pilot Edge. Fantastic controllers. Guaranteed coverage.

Adherence to Real world an current procedures, actual traffic. But it has a subscription fee and only covers the SOCAl area.

Fsx Radar Contact 4 Vocpack

Each one has its pro's and Con's. Pick your poison. My recommendation is Default modified with Edit Voice Pack. Well i call it a debacle/scandal or whatever. I don't know if it really was but it was damn sketchy.

Basically it released before it was ready. Its good now, but when it came out it did not have alot of the features it has now, and did not work most of the time for alot of people.

Buggy, crashed, did not even really function as a ATC addon. But it still released with a $60 price tag. So it was expensive as well. That to me spells trouble. It was like yet another shitty early access game on Steam. Except it wasent.