Wild Cd Protector

29.12.2019by admin

The fact survival has the least survivability is really confusing. Just a few things: 1. Our Aspect of the Turtle doesn't heal us like MM and BM. MM gets 30 seconds off their Exhilaration every time they kill an enemy BASELINE. We have to spec into it via our artifact weapon, and we CAP at 15 seconds per enemy, and that's at 3/3 artifact traits. PvP wise, BM gets Wild Protector, which lets their pet reduce their damage by 15% just by being near their pet. Survival gets nothing of the sort.

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We get Mending Bandage, sure, which is EASILY interrupted, even by a DoT that's currently on us. MM and BM can both misdirect threat onto a tank or even their pet.

For some reason, Survival can't. If it's because we're melee, that makes no sense because Rogues can do the same thing even though they're melee as well. Both MM and BM have some form of a stun they can talent into, in the form of Binding Shot (both) or Intimidate (BM).

Survival has neither. The closest we have is a snare (nets/trap). Pretty much no one can argue that stunning a target contributes WAY more to surviving than simply snaring them. Another PvP situation, in the second to last tier, MM and BM are given amazing tools to protect themselves (AKA survive): Wild Protector and the Beast Within for BM and Scatter Shot and Freezing Arrow for MM. (and to Lesser Extents, TNT and Separation Anxiety). What does Survival get? The aforementioned terrible Mending Bandage that immediately gets interrupted by a single damage, even a DoT.

Hunting Pack, which does not aid OUR survival, but rather grants movement speed to our party. And Master's Call. Something that shouldn't be an honor talent in the first place, but rather baseline, and doesn't really come anywhere near as useful to survivability as the BM/MM skills. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Survival is far from surviving. We have the least survivability of the 3 specs and I'm not sure why. We're SUPPOSED to be the ones with the most, hence our name. But for some reason, Blizzard made us one of the least survivable specs in the game. We're one of the squishiest specs.

I'm pretty sure I die quicker than most priests in raids when the boss comes after me, and that says a lot. 09:45 AMPosted by Wild protector and turtleshell healing us would go a long way in making survival more viable. And instead of giving us 2 nets make 1 of them a stun would be nice We don't need a stun, that's honestly really unnecessary. Just wild protector would make us perfect with baseline master's call so wild protector can take it's place.

And scorpid sting changing to a disarm. Other than that SV is in a really good spot, you have the tools to actively avoid damage, you kite a lot when necessary and go offensive when the time is right. Survivalist on trap activation would help alot aswell (maybe not explosive) or 1/2 survivalist. Imo surv should have something that keeps you alive that last 1-2 seconds, not make you unkillable. Wild protector is a neat idea, because you can trade sending your pet in to get mongoose stacks, for 15% damage reduction if you /petfollow. I don't want the stun, gimme disengage so I can have fun again, Even if its a 1 min cd for surv to avoid excessive mobility in pvp.

Being able to jump around is one of the most fun things as a hunter, and harpoons target requirement(while a very good thing for the ability) has taken some of the fun out. 09:45 AMPosted by Wild protector and turtleshell healing us would go a long way in making survival more viable. And instead of giving us 2 nets make 1 of them a stun would be nice Other than that SV is in a really good spot, you have the tools to actively avoid damage, you kite a lot when necessary and go offensive when the time is right. Lol, it realllllly isn't.

Even with Master's Call and Wild Protect, we'd be in a terrible spot. There's a reason we were just given a 15% stamina buff, and it's still far from enough. All someone needs to do is stun us at 3 stacks of Mongoose Fury for even a single second and we're useless.

We will hit like a wet noodle. Unlike MM and BM who do have sustained damage. As such, Survival does need more ways to heal ourselves like BM and MM.

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