Ansys Fluent 14

24.01.2020by admin

The Fluent solver is a general-purpose code. In order to customize the Fluent solver, users can use their own C-codes called user-defined functions (UDFs) to accomplish:.

Special boundary conditions. Customized or solution dependent material properties. New physical models. Reaction rates. Source terms.

Customized post-processing. Solving user-supplied partial differential equations. More UDFs can either be compiled or interpreted.

Fluent is bundled with a C interpreter that can be used to interpret UDFs. To compile UDFs, you can use Microsoft Visual Studio (Express or Professional Editions) under Windows. Most Linux systems provide a C compiler as a standard feature. Here are a few important differences between an interpreted code vs. A compiled code: Interpreted:. C Interpreter bundled with Fluent.

Interpreter executes code on a “line by line” basis instantaneously. Advantage – Does not require a third-party compiler.

Disadvantage – Interpreter is slow, and cannot do some functions Compiled:. UDF code is translated once into machine language (object modules).

Efficient way to run UDFs. Creates shared libraries which are linked with the rest of the solver. Does require a compilation step between creating/editing your UDF and using it In some situation you need to compile your code. To do so, you will need to configure Visual Studio to become accessible from Fluent. The following steps will help you achieve this: 1. ANSYS did not provide support for the 2012 compiler until Release 15.

In order to use the 2012 compiler and compile Fluent UDFs using the Fluent Launcher and if you are running Fluent 14.5 you will need to install the file: udf-batch-file-fixed-for-2012. If you are running Fluent 15 you do not need to do this. Browse to C: Program Files ANSYS Inc v145 fluent ntbin win64 and rename udf.bat. Rename udf-batch-file-fixed-for-2012 to udf.bat and place it in the C: Program Files ANSYS Inc v145 fluent ntbin win64 directory. Download and Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop (If this link is not active do an Internet search for: “Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop” NOTE: If you are running ANSYS Fluent serial and not parallel you can stop here and compile without taking any further steps. Share the “fluent” folder located at: C: Program Files Ansys Inc v145 fluent or: C: Program Files Ansys Inc v150 fluent 6.


Share the Working directory folder. Follow these steps to share a folder: Right-click on the folder and choose Properties, then select the Sharing tab. Click Advanced Sharing Check Share this folder, then click Permissions Check Allow on the Full Control row Make sure that you have Full Control Click Apply, OK 8. Map a drive letter to the shared folder, for example, Z: (When compiling UDFs and running in parallel you must use a mapped drive letter to the shared folder. FLUENT will use this shared folder as its Working Directory in the FLUENT Launcher.) Follow these steps to map a drive:. There are several ways to map a drive letter.

After the working directory is shared with Full Control, right-click on Computer (My Computer) and choose Map Network Drive. Enter in your computer name and the share name as shown in the image below. NOTE: If you have problems with any of these steps please contact your local IT department.

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Launch ANSYS Fluent 1. Launch ANSYS Fluent 2. Select Show More Options from the ANSYS Fluent Launcher. Set your Working Directory to the shared, mapped drive letter 4. Change the Fluent Root Path to be UNC (your computer name and the share name) 5. Select OK to start FLUENT, then select Define User Defined Functions Compiled. Select the Add button to add your source file.

Select Build. After the UDF has been successfully built it is necessary to type in the network path to the compiled UDF in the Library Name panel BEFORE loading the UDF. In front of the folder, libudf, type in the name of the computer where the UDF resides using the UNC format and the name of the shared folder. In the example below, the shared folder name is ' working”. After you have compiled the UDF the working folder will include a new subfolder called libudf. Compiling ANSYS Fluent UDFs from the Command Line If you wish to compile ANSYS Fluent UDFs from the command line follow these steps 1.

Open up the Microsoft Visual Studio x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt window 2. Change to your shared, mapped network drive letter. Start Fluent from the command line.

Ansys Fluent 14 Download

You may need to put Fluent on path or call Fluent directly call it from your installation folder: 4. Follow the procedures above for compiling UDFs. Enjoy coding!

Contents. Running ANSYS on FarmShare for classes and projects/homework for those classes ANSYS is only licensed for use on FarmShare for academic use - meaning in the context of classes, not for research. If you need to use ANSYS for your master's or PhD research, then you should contact ANSYS and procure a research license.

Again, ANSYS on FarmShare is for use with classes and coursework. But in general, ANSYS is not well-suited to run on FarmShare as parts of it are a heavy GUI app, that also demands some 3D-acceleration. It's better to run it in as that will have lower latency than regular X11-forwarding. Regular X11-forwarding from a remote network may well be unusably slow to respond. It's better to run it on a rye as that will have some 3D-acceleration. The CLI version runs just fine. ANSYS tutorials ANSYS provided us with a bunch of tutorials.

They are pretty big zip files and you can copy them from /farmshare/software/examples/ansys/ There are zip files which contain the PDF tutorial slides and all the needed input files. There is an intro to CFX and to Fluent and to HFSS and to Mechanical. ANSYS v16.0 ANSYS v 16 'Structural' is installed in /farmshare/software/non-free/ANSYS16-install/ The binaries like 'runwb2' are in /farmshare/software/non-free/ANSYS16-install/v160/Framework/bin/Linux64 So I think you just want to: ssh -X corn /farmshare/software/non-free/ANSYS16-install/v160/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2 And you should see the ANSYS workbench on your screen.

Or you can run module load ansys #will load latest version runwb2 ANSYS v14.5 The older version, ANSYS v14.5 is installed. Update v14.5.1 is applied. To use it, try 'module avail' and module load ansys/14.5 and 'which ansys145'. But if you executed the 'module load ansys' command, you should be able to just type ansys145 or launcher145. In the launcher program, if you need to choose a license, use 'ANSYS Academic Research'. Running the workbench. Ansysworkbench.png To run the ansys workbench, load the module and run runwb2.

Since the workbench is heavy graphics, we would recommend you run it inside a VNC session. If you need accelerated 3D graphics, you can run similar to the example here:.

Ansys Fluent 17

Module load ansys runwb2 Fluent You can bring up fluent by simply running fluent binary module load ansys fluent HFSS aka AnsysEM 16.1 aka Electromagenetics 2015.1 aka 'ANSYS Electronics Desktop'? As of Sept 2015 the ansoft and ansys licensing are combined, so it should be the same for any ANSYS product. BUT actually it needs to talk to a different port than regular ANSYS! You may need to edit AnsysEM admin redirect.lic and add SERVER ANY 36858 USESERVER Windows ANSYS client license settings We switched from host 'license3' to host 'license4' in spring of 2015. You need to set host license4 and license port to 27035 (instead of the default 1055).

Make sure to run the License Manager utility 'as Administrator'. Getting support You can create an ANSYS support account on their site and they will answer ANSYS-specific questions. Troubleshooting If you're running ANSYS via X11 forwarding, and your local machine is a linux box, you'll want the packages xfonts-75dpi and xfonts-100dpi installed if you have problems with fonts not showing up in ANSYS or showing up in different languages.

Ansys v14.5 example. Ansysexample.png In this example, ansys is run in batch mode with an input command file.

It produces file000.png which should look like the image here in this wiki. $ module load ansys $ mkdir ansystest $ cd ansystest $ ansys145 OR TO CONTINUE. ANSYS COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS. DESIGNXPLORER REQUESTED 00670021 VERSION =LINUX x64 RELEASE = 14.5 UP20120918 CURRENT JOBNAME = file 14: 57: 00 FEB 13, 2013 CP = 0.192 RUN SETUP PROCEDURE FROM FILE = /farmshare /software /non -free /ANSYS - install /v145 /ansys /apdl /start145.ans /INPUT FILE = /farmshare /software /non -free /ANSYS - install /v145 /ansys /apdl /start145.ans LINE = 0 BEGIN: 1 /BATCH,LIST,COPY 2 /graphics,power 3 /show,png 4 5 /title, Simple Conduction Example 6 /PREP7 7 8! Define geometry 9 10 length = 1.0 11 height = 1.0 12 blc4, 0, 0,length, height!

Area - one corner, then width and height 13 14! Mesh 2D areas 15 16 ET, 1, PLANE55! Thermal element only 17 MP,KXX, 1, 10! 10 W /mC 18 ESIZE,length / 20!

Number of element sub -divisions /side 19 AMESH,ALL 20 21 FINISH 22 /SOLU 23 24 ANTYPE, 0! STEADY -STATE THERMAL ANALYSIS 25 26! Fixed temp BCs 27 NSEL,S,LOC,Y,height! Select nodes on top with y =height 28 D,ALL,TEMP, 500! Apply fixed temp of 500C 29 NSEL,ALL 30 NSEL,S,LOC,X, 0!

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Select nodes on three sides 31 NSEL,A,LOC,X,length 32 NSEL,A,LOC,Y, 0 33 D,ALL,TEMP, 100! Apply fixed temp of 100C 34 NSEL,ALL 35 36 SOLVE 37 FINISH 38 39 /POST1 40 PLNSOL,TEMP, 0,!

Contour plot of temperatures Use PowerGraphics for solid and shell elements. NOTE. CP = 0.292 TIME = 14: 57: 03 Facet level set to 1 for maximum speed Use /EFACET, 2 for curved boundaries. /SHOW SWITCH PLOTS TO PNG - RASTER MODE.