Neverwinter Nights 1.68 No Cd Crack

22.01.2020by admin

I recently installed NWN Diamond Edition (downloaded from GOG). I have found that to run the program I need to launch from NWMain.exe, rather than using the launcher. Not a problem. Once I start playing I seem to get the error message 'nwmain.exe - No Disk' very often. The message also states: 'There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive drive Harddisk7 DR67.' The message then gives three options: Cancel, Try Again, and Continue.

Cancel doesn't seem to do anything. If I hit Try Again or Continue several times I return to the game and can continue playing. This is not game-breaking per se, but it is incredibly irritating. If anyone can suggest what the problem is or how to solve it I would appreciate it.

Totally forgot to provide very much in the way of details. I am running Win7.

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I am running the game as an Admin, I am running the game in XP SP3 Compatibility Mode. The game is installed in my C: Games Neverwinter Nights folder. So, I appreciate your guesses, but none of them apply in this case. Thanks though. If you can think of any other details that might be helpful to know, just ask and I will post them. Also, if anyone happens to know the line that needs to be added to the ini file to run the game in Windowed mode, and which part of the ini file to put the line in, I would appreciate it if that could be shared.

I used to know it, but that was several years ago, and I have forgotten. I hate to sound stupider than I am, but I can't find the 1.69 patch for NWN at the Bioware site.

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The only link to Patches takes you to the EA site, which doesn't list a NWN patch at all. My NWN version, downloaded from GOG, is 1.69.8109. Is this not the most recent version of the game? I appreciate the suggestions, let me know if you have any more.

PS: Sorry if I am slow responding to your suggestions, but I am fairly busy with other matters and don't have as much time for NWN as I would like. PPS: Ah, I went to the Old Forums and followed the link there to Patches and found the 1.69 Critical Rebuild patch for Hordes of the Underdark.

I am just downloading it and will try installing it tonight. I will report back after I have installed it to see if anything is different. PPPS: Okay, after running the 1.69 Critical Rebuild patch, I am still at 1.69.8109 and the error message still pops up (fairly often).

Liquidsnakehpks: very strange, do you have a virtual drive? If so check that no image is mounted in it while starting the game Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm busy with other things.

Anyway, I did have a virtual drive running in the background, but it did not have an image mounted. The error messge remains the same.

Neverwinter Nights 1.68 No Cd Crack Version

Epiphone les paul serial numbers. To try and be thorough I tried turning off the virtual drive and then running the game. Still the same error message.

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Just as a side note, I have a lot of games, and the error message only seems to appear for Neverwinter Nights. Thanks for the thought, but the virtual drive appears to have nothing to do with the problem. I did install the NWN: HotU English Critical Rebuild. The check continues. However, I have determined that it is not part of NWN: GOG Diamond Edition. I have now had (once and once only) the error pop up when my computer was booting up. What it is I don't know, but that seems to demonstrate that it is not actually a NWN: GOG Diamond Edition problem.

Although why the problem shows up incredibly often with NWN and almost not at all in any other context I have no idea. It is something very odd which I don't understand, but since it almost never comes up outside of NWN, and since it only takes a couple of mouse clicks to deal with the problem in NWN I think I'm just going to stop worrying about it. Thanks to all for your suggestions.